26th Annual Conference, Day 1

“Material Worlds/Virtual Worlds: the Physical and the Digital in Vast Early America”

June 17-19, 2021

Read the full program and REGISTER here.

Program for Thursday, June 17, 2021


Registration Zoom Room opens. (Stop by and say Hello to Conference Registrar Beverly Smith, ask questions, and get help here.)

Session 1: ZOOM ROOM 1

THis Camp 1 with Jessica Parr
Palladio (an introduction to datasets)

Session 2: ZOOM ROOM 2

Lightning Round — Mapping and GIS

Adam Costanzo (Texas A&M University, Corpus Christi)
“Using GIS to Map and Analyze Federal Land Sales and Urban Growth in Washington, DC, 1790-1810”

Molly Nebiolo (Northeastern University)
“Visualizing Colonial Philadelphia: 3D Modelling, VR, and Conceptualizing Early American Space Using DH”

Jessica Taylor (Virginia Tech University)
“Mapping Property Boundaries and Nonelite Movement in the Chesapeake”

Joris van den Tol (Harvard University)
“Digitally Mapping Transnational Advocacy Networks: the Anglo-Dutch Lobby in the 17th c. Atlantic”

Session 3: ZOOM ROOM 1

Leading Story
“Interdisciplinary Approaches to Slavery Studies”

How do we make this work accessible?

Jajuan Johnson (William & Mary, Lemon Project), Chair Comment

Jillian Galle (DAACS)
“The Digital Archaeological Archive of Comparative Slavery: Case studies in collaboration and open access”

Tiffany Momon (Sewanee University) and Torren Gatson (UNC Greensboro)
“Revealing the Invisible Black Landscape: Spatially Mapping African American Skilled Craftsmen in Charleston, South Carolina through the Black Craftsman Digital Archive”

Michael Jarvis (University of Rochester)
“Virtual Visits to Places of Pain: Elmina Castle in Ghana” (overview)

Session 4: ZOOM ROOM 1

“Limits of Materiality”
Anne Verplanck (Pennsylvania State University, Harrisburg), Chair/Comment

Holly Brewer (University of Maryland)
“Creating a Fashion for Slavery in the English court(s)”

Susan Garfinkel (University of Maryland and Library of Congress)
“’W. Penns Treaty Plate’: An Excavation”

Ana Schwartz (University of Texas)
“’Almost Beaver Brothers’: Settler Colonialism, Material Culture, and Other-than-Human Entanglement”

Session 5: ZOOM ROOM 2

“Political Things: Rethinking Material and Political Cultures in Vast Early America”

Moderator: Morgan McCullough (William & Mary)

Zara Anishanslin (University of Delaware)
“London Patriots”

Catherine E. Kelly (Omohundro Institute)
“Joshua Upham’s Painting, William Upham’s Retrieval, and Loyalism’s Affective Hangover”

Harrison Diskin (University of Southern California)
“’Rather a Molehill than a Fort’: Building Sovereignty in Nieuw Amsterdam”

Erin B. Kramer (Trinity University)
“Shelter and Kaswentha in King William’s War”

Jennifer C. Van Horn (University of Delaware)
“Painted Afterlives: The Politics of Race and Representation in Early American Portraiture”

Session 6: ZOOM ROOM 3

“Archaeological Perspectives on Slavery and Emancipation in the British Caribbean”

Susan Kern (William & Mary, Historic Campus), Chair/Comment

Fraser Neiman (Director of Archaeology, Monticello)
“Dynamics of Internal Markets in Slave Societies if the British Caribbean: An Archaeological Perspective”

Jillian Galle (Director of DAACS, Monticello)
“Fishing and Foraging at the Stewart Castle Estate: Enslaved Children’s Contributions to the Market Activities of Enslaved Households in Eighteenth-Century Jamaica”

Suzanne Francis-Brown (Hon. Research Fellow, University of the West Indies Museum) and Jillian E. Galle
“The Material Impacts of Agricultural Diversification and Amelioration on Enslaved Laborers in Colonia Jamaica: An Archaeological Perspective”